Hello, Sally from Titanium factory in China.

Author Topic: Hello, Sally from Titanium factory in China.  (Read 30314 times)

Offline nowornever888

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Hello, Sally from Titanium factory in China.
« on: 2 July 2017, 08:35:23 »
Hello, Titanium Forum members
Thanks for Titanium forum.
It opens my eyes to know more markets and people who love the Titanium industry.

I am a young and lovely mother in China, for family reasons I have to quit my eight years jobs for OTIS elevator company.
While when I am blind for all my new life, I find my new business-Titanium industry I could start with in my following life.

Never say too late for anything, , there are much knowledge on Titanium plates, rods, tubes, and wires.
Welcome some one who need or any question about Titanium, I am glad to answer .



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